Space for Life

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The Magic of Stuff - Parts 4, 5, & 6 of the Interview

I'm just landing back in Toronto after a wonderful time in California.  I've been in full time meditation classes for the past two weeks so I'm coming back in more ways than one and feeling so grateful for my "winter" in California. 

The rest of my interview on the Magic of Stuff is now up on Robbie Wychwood's blog, 'Magic for Muggles'.  It's been such fun to read!  It's not everyday that I get the opportunity to read what I sound like (if that makes any sense), and I have to say that it's a pretty rich interview.  I appreciate the opportunity to share some of the more personal aspects of my clutter clearing process and to witness how my relationship to stuff has transformed over the past ten years of doing this work. 

I also seem to talk about my underwear, a lot! 

Without further ado I present Parts 4, 5 and 6 of the Magic of Stuff:

The Magic of Stuff Part Four - Did it work?  Did clearing my romantic clutter lead to love in my life?
The Magic of Stuff Part Five - Is clearing clutter about getting rid of ALL of your stuff?
The Magic of Stuff Part Six - Is your stuff paying it's rent?

I hope you enjoy the interview, here are Parts one, two and three just in case you missed them the first time around.  As always I'd love to hear what you think, especially if the interview sparked any questions.  You can comment below.

Take care,
Cecilia Moorcroft