Forget New Year's Resolutions! What's your theme for 2014?

Happy New Year! 

You'll see in the video below what I think about New Year's Resolutions (there's a reason you're seeing this on January 8th) but suffice it to say, not much.

There's so much pressure to start the year off right and pile your plate with loads of unreasonable expectations.

I have a proposal for you. 

What if this is the year you put down the stick?

What if this is the year that you connect with the part of yourself that's strong and wants to have a beautiful life and motivate yourself from there instead of trying to beat yourself toward your goals. 

I declared December a "should-free" month, but how about we declare 2014 to be a "should-free" year.

Resolutions are just shoulds and shoulds suck.  I'm sorry, but they do.  They're exhausting and make you feel like crap. 

That being said, the new year has this fresh sparkly blank sheet feel to it, but rather than fill it full of "shoulds", what if you got out your glitter glue, crayons and sticker collection and filled it with WANTS, LOVES, NEEDS AND DESIRES?

What if you nudged your new year in the direction you wanted to FEEL

I'm a big fan of themes and words for the new year watch the video to find out what my theme is for the year.

(If you're not sure what I'm doing with my hands there near the end, that's my hand sign for "Heart-Wings", that's the feeling I want the most in my life.) 

Your turn!!

What's your theme, word or flavour for 2014?

What are some of the "should sticks" you're going to put down?

Speaking and writing these for others to see is incredibly powerful and supportive so take advantage of this space and write yours in the comments below. 

If you have a friend who is always making the same "shouldy" resolutions every year, tell them to put down the stick and send this their way.  We'll both thank you. 

BIG Heart Wings Love, 



p.s. I've been getting lots of emails and calls from folks who want to work with me this year, yoohoo! My schedule is filling up quickly but there's still space for you if you want 2014 to be amazing.  This could be the year that everything changes, seriously...  Email me!

p.p.s. If you're reading this and you're not on my list, you should really get yourself on it!  Just pop on over here to get on!  All the cool kids are doing it!