Opening - F Clutter Wednesdays

Today we're talking about opening. Why this is important as it relates to clutter is that where there's clutter there is grasping either on an emotional, mental or physical level. Where there is grasping there is closing.

So how do we open? The way we usually try to open is we try to force the part that's closed to let go which is kind of like trying to pry a toy out of a two year old's hands.

Watch the video for a lovely helpful reframe which supports opening without making the part that's closed wrong. Yay!

(Please note I use strong language in the video so you may want to listen with headphones if you have little ones around.)

I'm curious to hear what this brings up for you. Are you aware of the part that's grasping? Can you find a part that is already open? I'd love to hear about it, comment to let me know.

I have a request! What you would like me to talk about in future videos? Please drop me a line with any questions you have about clutter, perfectionism or life.
